We are excited to announce that St Mary’s is starting a Café Style Church with something for everyone! It’s in the Lighthouse this Sunday 3 July from 10.15, in place of the regular All Age service in the church.
We’ll share a light breakfast together followed by a time of worship, a reading from the Bible and a thought for the day. Then we have time to encounter God in a variety of activities. Appropriately, the theme on 3 July is “Taste and See that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8).
We plan to run Café Church as a pilot on the first Sunday of every month from September until Easter and review early in the new year.
Please come! We hope this will be the perfect way for newcomers to test the water and enjoy the welcome, hospitality and love of Jesus. We also encourage all our regulars will come, to be part of the welcome, hospitality and love of Jesus.