How can we care for God’s world? We all have an individual responsibility, so every week we’re giving you one idea to help and inspire you – see below.
Week 13: Check out Cheshire Wildlife Trust
Take a look at the Cheshire Wildlife Trust website for details of local reserves to visit and ideas on gardening for nature, as well as campaigns and events. Consider becoming a member.
Week 12: Reduce plastic waste
If you buy take-away drinks, why not take your own re-usable cup? Or why not use tap water instead of bottled drinks?
Week 11: Turn the heating down
Now the weather is beginning to get a bit warmer[!] why not try to turn your heating down by a degree if you can?
Week 10: Recycle all you can!
Check out the recycling leaflet from the Council and recycle everything that you can (see here for details). Soft plastic bags (bread bags etc) can be taken to the Co-op, but can you re-use first before you recycle?
Note: the next Weaverham Trust Litter Pick is Saturday 2nd April, to coincide with the National ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ Spring Litter Pick Campaign. This event is for the whole family – furry friends, toddlers, teenagers – everyone! All welcome but children must be supervised. Meet on Russet Road next to Weaverham Library for a 10.30am start. If you can only spare an hour there’ll be a route for you. More info here.
Week 9: Pick up some litter!
Keep some gloves and a rubbish bag in your pocket for when you’re out and about. Or buy a litter picking up claw thingy from the wonderful Weaverham Hardware Store. Then pick up litter on some of your walks. Do also think about joining the next Weaverham Trust Litter Pick: see the trust website or their Facebook page .
Week 8: Buy fewer clothes!
Only buy the clothes you really need and buy ethically or second hand if you can. The fashion industry generates more harmful C02 emissions than all international flights and shipping combined, contributing to climate change. Sweat shops, disposing of discarded cheap clothing and microfibre pollution are also big issues. For more information on this issue, see the BBC guide to fashion and the environment here.
St Mary’s young people are taking part in a Tearfund fashion fast in March, take a look at a separate page on this here and do sponsor them!
Week 7: Reduce your use of single-use plastics
Try and reduce the amount of single use plastic you buy. Buy loose fruit and veg if possible and have a look at the refill Shop ‘Weigh of the World’ in Witton Street for other package saving ideas. Check out the website here. Don’t forget to take your own containers! There are 10 top tips from WWF here.
Week 6: Eat more plants!
Eat more plants – try a delicious vegetarian recipe! Livestock farming accounts for nearly 15% of greenhouse gases. And it’s better use of land to eat plants direct than via animals. So try some meat-free or even vegan recipes. Can these be added into your regular menus?
The BBC has information about eating in a more environmentally friendly way, and some recipe ideas here. For lots more delicious looking recipes, take a look at these links:
Week 5: Grow something!
Grow something, even if it’s just herbs on the window ledge. As you tend your plants talk to God about how you can better nurture nature. Here are some resources:
RHS beginner’s guide to gardening
Week 4: Make your garden welcoming to wildlife!
Can you make your garden a welcoming place for wildlife? A good reason for not being too tidy!
There are some great ideas from the National Trust here and the Wildlife Trusts here. Encourage hedgehogs and attract birds, bees, butterflies and bats. Enjoy!
Week 3: Use your car less!
Try and use your car less this week. Can you share lifts? Can you cycle or walk? Walking is also a good time to pray. And consider joining the Vale Royal Pilgrim Pedallers for a ride, starting and ending at St Mary’s, see here.
Week 2: Take part in the Big Garden Birdwatch (28-30th Jan)!
More information on the RSPB website here.
Taking part is easy:
- Watch the birds around you for one hour
- Count how many of each species of bird lands on your patch
- Go online and tell the RSPB what you saw.
Week 1: Enjoy nature this week with a local walk.
There are some lovely walks around Weaverham! For example Owley Wood or a longer walk from the church to Acton Bridge.
This week’s feature photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash