Groups and Activities

Food and friendship at St Mary's Weaverham
Many activities seem to involve food!

St. Mary’s has many groups and activities, listed below. We are very friendly and love to welcome newcomers. Regular groups are listed below but look out for occasional gatherings and one-offs.

Please see “This Week” for current information or contact the Church office at to be put in touch with group leaders and latest information for any group you are considering joining.

Groups for children, young people and families

For latest events,  please see our Facebook page, click here.  See also the Notice Sheet on the This Week page.

Sticky Fingers
This is a toddlers group that runs every Monday 9.15-10.45am during term time. It’s a chance to come together, let the kids, crawl, play, draw, paint and build and have fun. Our interactive singing is loved by babies, toddlers and grown-ups along with the healthy snacks and homemade cakes. See our news post Sticky Fingers Baby and Toddler Group for more detail.

Kid’s Church
During the regular 10.30am church service there are creche and kids activities at the back of church. All are welcome. So long as you are a kid.

YPF and families enjoying river activities
YPF and families enjoying river activities

Young People’s Fellowship (YPF) is aimed at children in school years 7 to 13. We have paused the weekly meetings for the moment but we have occasional social events, such as making gingerbread houses in Advent and river activities in the summer. Email to be emailed with details as they arise.

Café Church
First Sunday of the month in the Lighthouse opposite church at 10.30, breakfast from 10.15. Informal worship and enjoyable activities for all age groups – bring the whole family!

Groups and activities for adults

Many activities take place in the Lighthouse opposite the church

Home Groups
A great way to learn more about the Bible and our faith, how to put it into action and be a support / be supported through being in a small group. We have a good number of Home Groups who meet around the village on different days, times and places. Contact the office at  for more information.

Upcycling Shed
Meets on Thursdays 9.30-12.30 in the Lighthouse Annexe. Bring your project or join in with a range of projects on the go. Lots of equipment (the lathe is very popular!), hot drinks and biscuits.

Mothers’ Union
Mothers Union is an international, national and local Christian charity which proactively provides help and support for all families. We have a very welcoming local group in Weaverham who will meet every second Thursday of the month from May 2022 at 2pm where we share fellowship and friendship whilst enjoying a variety of activities including arranging fundraising events to enable us to help families.  Anyone is welcome to join us, men and women!! For further information, please contact Gillian .

The Rambling Group

Rambling Group
Meets for occasional Saturday morning walks of 3-4 miles. New walkers are always welcome. Contact Liz for more information 07572995789 .

Men’s Breakfasts/Meals
Every other month on a Saturday morning we have a men’s breakfast with an interesting speaker and a full English. Also every other month the men get out for a meal together, maybe curry or Chinese.

Tuesdays Lighthouse Café
Join us on Tuesdays 9.15-12.30 in the Lighthouse. Have a hot drink and a snack and help put the world to rights!


Music Group
We have a music group with singers and instruments that leads worship in our morning services. If you feel called and equipped to join this group, talk to Marian,

Church Choir
The Choir takes part in the evening services. Contact the church office for more information.

Our bell ringers

Bell Ringing
Weaverham has an enthusiastic band of ringers, 15 in total, ranging from teenagers to an octogenarian. We ring regularly for most Sunday services, weddings and other special services and national events. The Weaverham ringers are members of the Chester Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers and several members of the band hold offices in the Guild. We practice regularly on a Tuesday evening, usually starting at 7.45pm and on Sundays from 10.00 – 10.30am and 6.00 – 6.30pm. If you are interested in finding out more, please email