Don’t miss Café Church!

Join us on the first Sunday of every month, from 10.15 in the Lighthouse, for our monthly informal, interactive Café Church for all ages. 

We are looking at a parable each month. For example, in March this year we looked at the lost sheep parable, with the children joining the search and everyone (well, almost everyone!) making woolly sheep.  In June we had great fun exploring the story of the wise man who built his house on the rock.

We have been thrilled with the response to a new Café style service Church. It replaces the usual Sunday morning service and has been attracting 55-80 people of all ages including several new families.

To give an idea, a recent topic was on the theme “Well done good and faithful servant”. Stephen led a drama and Bob was great as the servant turning up with a spade and mud covered shopping bag with £1/2m. After Jerry’s talk, everyone of all ages got stuck into making things with the resources provided, from a model Chester Zoo (thanks Linda and Gilly), to Motik animals (well done Rebecca and Emily) and David got stuck into building a  giant house. So: are we ready to meet Jesus in person?

The new format has been run since September 2022. Breakfast (coffee, tea, pastries, toast and fruit) is available from 10.15am. There is soft matting with toys at one side for small children. A warm welcome for everyone is seen as a priority.

Feedback has been excellent: “I really enjoyed it”; “It had a lovely feel to it”; “A good mix of serious and relaxed”.

The services takes place on the first Sunday of each month.