
Welcome banner

We would love you to connect with us at whatever level is appropriate and comfortable for you. 

Contact the Church Office to be put in touch with the pastoral care team, or if you would like to join a small Bible Study Group, or find out about occasional courses we run for those exploring the Christian Faith.

Of course you are warmly welcome at any of our church services. Or you might prefer to join one of our groups or activities:

  • Join us for the all-age Café Church service on the first Sunday of the month from 10.15 in the Lighthouse
  • The toddlers’ group Sticky Fingers on Monday mornings in term time is popular and valued
  • High School age young people find new friends and a warm welcome at YPF
  • The Rambling Group is a good way to get to know people
  • Another good way to meet people or catch up with friends with tea / coffee and cake is to come to the Tuesdays Lighthouse Café, 9.15-12.30 on Tuesdays
  • Men always seem to enjoy a full English at Men’s Breakfast
  • Consider too the Upcycling Shed or Mothers’ Union

General information on these is on the groups and activities page and specific details can be found on the This Week and Newsletter pages.