Thank you for helping us allocate our charitable giving from St Mary’s! The results are in and our giving had been agreed by the ECC.
We aim as a church to follow the Biblical principle of ‘tithing’ by giving 10% of our voluntary income to other charities. We have budgeted to give £7,000 in 2024, if finances allow.
Giving is a tricky business: how can we show our compassion “for the least, the last and the lost” without creating dependency, or taking away dignity or damaging the local economy with free goods?
Our Giving policy means we normally provide gifts of £1,000 and support at least two charities working mainly in the UK; two charities working mainly overseas; and at least one charity that is specifically Methodist. We leave £2,000 unallocated in order to meet any unforeseen charitable needs that become apparent during the year.
The results are in! The Charity Giving Group and ECC have considered the survey results against our Giving Policy and agreed to give to each of the following.
Tearfund Middle East Emergency Appeal (£1000)
Tearfund is a Christian charity which partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. The organisation tackles poverty through sustainable development, partnering with local churches to mobilise resources and empower communities to lift themselves out of poverty. They respond to disasters and continue rebuilding communities years after the media have left. And they help individuals and churches speak out on issues of poverty and injustice. In view of strong support in the Church for Tearfund and the catastrophic situation in Gaza and Israel, we are allocating £1000 immediately to their Middle East Emergency Appeal.
Anglican Church of Melanesia (£1000)
This is the Diocese of Chester link church. John Freeman organises their events at St Mary’s. This Anglican Province has a population of 850,000 and encompasses the Republic of Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, and the French Trust Territory of New Caledonia, both sovereign island nations in the South Pacific.

Mid Cheshire Methodist Kenya Fund (£1000)
This local fund supports a school and medical work in the Mombasa area. Rev Charles Makonde & Joyce joined our Methodist circuit in 2007 but before this he was the Superintendent at Wesley MC in Mombasa. Through them this fund supports an HIV/Aids drop-in clinic; a medical camp in the slums of Mombasa and among refugees; and provides meals at Timboni Primary School.
Transforming Lives Together (£1000)
TLT is an independent charity working with Chester Diocese and part of the Church Urban Fund Together Network . TLT helps churches develop people-led social action through training, resources, signposting and support. In particular, these projects strengthen children’s wellbeing, family resilience and bring diverse communities together; combating child holiday hunger and adult loneliness. St Mary’s invited TLT to lead some sessions before the pandemic.
Christians Against Poverty (£1000)
Fighting poverty and helping families and individuals become debt free in the UK. CAP provides free professional debt help, job clubs, life skills groups and money education, delivered face-to-face through local churches. This practical and emotional support helps people in desperate need discover life-changing freedom and hope every day.

Transformational Enterprise Network (TEN) (£500)
The charity set up by Jerry Marshall three years ago, based on enterprise solutions to poverty, in the developing world and UK. In Africa, widows often send their children to orphanages because they can’t afford to feed or educate them. Instead, TEN helps them set up small businesses to enable them to keep their family together. TEN partners have created more than 250,000 small businesses. TEN is volunteer led, meaning almost all funds support the work of our partners. See a CMS (see below) blog on TEN here.
Barnabas Aid (£500)
A Christian charity that aims to support Christian communities and churches around the world that face persecution and discrimination because of their faith. They aim to provide material and spiritual assistance to strengthen Christians in need, and also seek to encourage prayer and raise awareness about the plight of the persecuted Church.
Thank you for taking part in the survey.